chapter and verse


chapter and verse 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any specific chapter and verse of the Bible, as used when citing the text.
  2. full, cited authority, as for any quotation, opinion, action, etc.: Give me chapter and verse for the information you've provided so far.
  3. Informal. detailed information.a set of regulations or rules.

chapter and verse 近义词

n. 名词 noun

precise detail on a subject

更多chapter and verse例句

  1. As an example of good science-and-society policymaking, the history of fluoride may be more of a cautionary tale.
  2. As this list shows, punishments typically run to a short-ish jail sentence and/or a moderately hefty fine.
  3. Yes, Byrd—dead four-and-a-half years now—was a Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan.
  4. It needs to be said: bigotry in the name of religion is still bigotry; child abuse wrapped in a Bible verse is still child abuse.
  5. No more allowing people to justify their bigotry by spouting a cherry-picked Bible verse.
  6. This is one of the most striking manifestations of the better side of child-nature and deserves a chapter to itself.
  7. She also practises etching, pen-and-ink drawing, as well as crayon and water-color sketching.
  8. In the next chapter he gives his twelve disciples authority over demons.
  9. No law of that country must exceed in words the number of letters in their alphabet, which consists only in two-and-twenty.
  10. As the next verse is the last you needn't trouble yourself to make any further observations.